Saturday, April 18, 2015

Status of Imam e Azam (Imam abu Hanifa) By Dr Tahir ul Qadri 

Biography of Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A)

Imam Abu Hanifah was very active and hardworking in this topic. Whenever he use to do Qiyyas he used to always do it in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah. Now let us examine what Hafidh Dhahabi, and Hafidh Ibn Kathir wrote about Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A). They say: 

Imam Abu Hanifah(R.A) was born in 80A.H, living in the time when there were still some Companions of Holy Prophet(S.A.W) living. He saw the famous companion, Anas Bin Malik(R.A)  and six other companions of Holy Prophet(pbuh) . He learnt Ahadith from a group of Tabi’een, and spent much of his time in worship. 

Abdullah Ibn Mubarrak said: 'He was the Greatest of all those who was well-versed in Islamic laws'. Imam Shaf’i said: 'All those who study Fiqh, are children of Imam Abu Hanifah' (Islamic law). Imam Yahya Bin Mau’een said: 'There are no accusations on Imam Abu Hanifah(R.A), and he is clean from all lies'. Whoever wants to learn Fiqh, he is dependent upon Imam Abu Hanifah(R.A). The people should pray for Imam Abu Hanifah(R.A)  after their prayers. He was the one of the greatest scholars on the universe. When he used to recite the Qur’an at night, he used to cry so much that his neighbours used to pity him. The place were he died, Imam Abu Hanifah(R.A)  read the Qur’an seventy thousand times. He died on 15 Rajab, 150 A.H. At his funeral, there were so many people that the Salaah of Janazah had to be read six times. May Allah grant him peace and Blessings.

Biography of Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A)

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah says: 

There is no doubt regarding Imam Abu Hanifah(R.A)'s knowledge, people later attributed many lies to Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A), which were all untrue. The aim of such writings was to taint Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A)

(Minhaaj Al Sunnah Al Nabaweea, Vol./1, page. 259, By Imam Ibn Taymiyyah)

Imam Ibn Al Qayyim says: 

Imam Abu Hanifah would not do Qiyyas, even if he found a weak hadith. 

Dr Tahir ul Qadri is describing the truth and true status of Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa (R.A) in below video

                    Click below to watch videos


  1. HI! here you can download Imam-e-Azam ki Wasiyaten, a most authentic and renowned Islamic Book.


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