Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dr Tahir ul Qadri Reply To Zakir Naik on Waseela 

Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad  Tahir ul Qadri replied to zakir naik about waseela and says that waseela of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is  Haq  and allowed Islam, For this purpose Dr Tahir ul Qadri  said that he will report a hadith in sihasittah which comes in tirmidhi book 46 : (Hadith No; 3778) and Ibn Majah book 5: (Hadith No; 1385) and the grade of both ahadiths are sahih. this hadith is reported by many 
Aima including Imam Nasai in "Sunan an Nasai", Imam Hakim in "Mustadrak", Imam Bukhari in"tareekh ul kabeer", Imam Baihaqi in" Dalail An Nabuwwah", Imam Ibn Kathir in "Al bidaya wan nihaya",Imam Suyuti in" Al khasa'is ul Kubra" and Imam Qastallani in "Al Mawahib ul Laduniyya" A person Who was blind came to Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and he asked Ya Rasool Allah(S.A.W) i am blind, please pray for me, So Holy Prophet(S.A.W)  asked him that what do you want? Should i pray for you or should i teach you some words you back to your home and pray Almighty Allah in those words, what do you prefer? Blind person replied just teach me  the words how to pray? Holy Prophet(S.A.W) said just go back to your home and perform ablution and then read two circles of nafl prayer and after doing this raise your hands and make this dua in following words"O Allah i ask you and i intermediate through Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to you I made Muhammad (S.A.W) as a Waseela in my Dua" After that Holy Prophet (S.A.W) taught him that say Ya Muhammad Ya Rasool Allah, These are the words of a Dua taught by Holy Prophet (S.A.W) himself.

 Click below video to watch more about Dr Qadri And Zakir Naik

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